
Kazuhide Iketaki

journalist specializes
in the Middle East


Sep 2016- Nov 2017 University of London, SOAS
: Master Degree of Middle East Politics

Aug 2015 – Present Jiji Research Institute visiting fellow

Apr 1994 – May 2013 Jiji Press
• May 2013 – Aug 2015 Foreign News Editor
• Feb 2009 – May 2013 Cairo Bureau Chief
• May 2006 – Feb 2009 Foreign News reporter
• Apr 2002 – May 2006 Jerusalem Bureau Chief
• Apr 1999 – Apr 2002 Foreign News reporter
• Mar 1996 – Apr 1999 Ootsu Bureau reporter
• Apr 1994 – Mar 1996 Economic News reporter

Gained experience in writing newspaper articles in
the field of economics, politics, culture and foreign
news. As an editor and bureau chief, I learned
leadership and people skills and the ability to coordinate
and communicate effectively between various
departments. Strong communication and
presentation skills. Fluent in English and Arabic

March 2018, co-authored book, Palgrave Macmillan, Geopolitics of the Middle East and South Asia: Changing relationships through the Movement of Migrant Workers in South Asian Migration in the Gulf
3 March 2018, Toyokeizai, Saudi Arabia, challenge of young prince
21 May 2012, Jiji Top Confidential magazine, No way out for Syria, No hope for cease-fire
Jan 2011, World affairs weekly, Al Qaeda gain strong foothold in Yemen
Mar, 2007, Kaikakusha magazine, To avoid military confrontation, Iran should talk with US on the nuclear issue
6 Sep 2005, World affairs weekly, Palestine in critical phase after Israeli withdrawal from Gaza
5 Apr 2005, World affairs weekly, Interview with Dr. Khalil Shikaki, Director of the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (Ramallah, Palestine)
8 Feb 2005, World affairs weekly, Peace or Resistance, Hamas in turmoil
13 Apr 2004, World affairs weekly, Last interview with Hamas spiritual leader, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, before his assassination

May 2015, Energy Association in Japan regarding the Islamic state
Feb 2015, Meiji University communication department regarding journalism in the Middle East
30 May 2013, Thursday forum in Tokyo University regarding the Syrian conflict
24 Apr 2013, Seminar hosted by JSPS Cairo Research Station regarding Syrian conflict

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